Promotional Documentary Films

Promote Your Business Through Customer Testimonials!

Your customer service speaks for itself…

Let’s show the world what it’s like to work with you! By utilizing a relaxed interview style to present customer testimonials, you can build your business by having an easily distributable resource to future clients. All the hard work spent building a reliable and trustworthy brand is behind you, now let’s reap the rewards by showing the world why your business is a cut above the competition!

What to expect:

I’ll work with you to explore the goods and services that your company provides and then help strategize on how best to get that on film. Everything from helping to create and deliver a pre-interview questionnaire, to organizing all of the shooting logistics, and finally recording the interviews. I’m dedicated to ensuring that we represent your company professionally and honestly, which all starts with strong communication and transparency with the interview subjects. By approaching an interview in a way that doesn’t load questions or expect specific responses, we will gather authentic and genuine testimonials that are invaluable in a competitive marketplace.


Promote what Matters to you!

Never underestimate the impact of a great story…

Good documentaries reach people where they are by touching their hearts and moving them. A short documentary can be useful in a number of ways: You can educate and inform, promote and advertise, or even simply entertain. Regardless of your needs, I’m dedicated to working with you to produce a professional and polished end-product that honestly captures what’s important to you!

What to expect:

I typically begin my documentary consultations by covering the scope of the project so that we can determine a budget that works for us both. From here we will move into the most critical step in any good documentary: research. It’s very important to me that I fully appreciate and understand the subject matter before attempting to capture it on film. Next, we will develop an interview questionnaire that helps us lay the foundation for the story that we hope to capture together. Of course, these questions will vary from subject to subject, but with strong planning, we can start exploring the topics and themes we believe to be the most useful to us. After that, it’s just a matter of scheduling and capturing the interview with our subject and scheduling a couple of b-roll shoots to help make the interviews pop.

What’s so exciting to me about documentaries is that you never know what you’ll discover in the process, and no matter how much you plan, you’ll almost always going to watch the story develop as it goes!