
My name is Preston Booth,

I’m a filmmaker from Starkville, Mississippi, with a passion for wedding, documentary, and commercial filmmaking. 

I’ve had a driving passion for filmmaking ever since my dad trusted me with the family camcorder in third grade. What started out as shooting fun little stories in the back yard with a few of my neighborhood buddies has grown into a lifelong passion and career in filmmaking. Having the opportunity to share people’s stories everyday for a living is something I’ll never take for granted.

After studying post-production at Colorado Film School, I returned to Mississippi to produce documentary and wedding films while pursuing my BA in film at the University of Mississippi.

I recieved my Bachelor of Arts Degree in May of 2021 and have been fortunate enought to continue producing independent projects for a living due to the continued patronage of individuals like the ones reading this today.

I’ll never be able to fully express my gratitude to those who choose to work with me and support my passion for film.

Got an idea for a project? Let's get in touch--I'd love to hear your ideas.

Thanks for visiting my site!

- Preston Booth <3

Almost everything on my site is commercial productions, but if you really want to get to know me, there’s no better way than to jump into one of my passion projects! I had the pleasure of visiting Utah, Nevada, and California for a vacation that I took this summer. We had an absolute blast and I think it shows!